End-to-End Business Intelligence
Empty rooms in a facility mean no revenue. The Operations team needed knowledge immediately and consistently to help improve their turnaround times. Their biggest question was what are the delays in turning over a room? We helped to ask other ones… how would the team know if there has been an improvement when changes are made? Was there a way to improve communication between the different owners of each step of the process? What is the difference between 5 days and 5 business days?
The room turnover application hadn’t been upgraded in 8-years
Application set up purely for production use, without any thought towards analysis
No unique key to track a room’s flow through the 8 steps to turnover
No room turnover lifecycle methodology, allowing room turnover to start and/or end at any given step
Baseline created by Operations team took so long and had so many gaps in room lifecycles, that it could not be replicated consistently to know whether changes were actually helping
Brand new application was not an option for at least a year
Within one month, the Operations team had information at their fingertips. A rebuilt process flow, focusing on data management and interactive dashboards, allowed questions to be asked and answered of the data, without the need to change the archaic application.
Data Management:
Nightly integration into a data warehouse
Create a room turnover lifecycle methodology, which focused on two items:
Each instance of the lifecycle had a consistent Start Step and End Step
Steps within an instance of the lifecycle were easily grouped together
Morning Email Notifications prepping the team for what rooms are currently in-process
Real-time integration for text notifications, allowing step owners to be notified immediately when it is their turn in the process
Interactive Dashboards:
Individual Step-chart, with feedback form - Used in team meetings, the Operations team could assign a cause to why a step missed its target time. This feedback could then be analyzed later to see what opportunities are available to resolve missed target reasons.
Room Turnover trend charts - How many rooms had been turned over and what percentage of those rooms fell into the 5-day turnaround? Had there been improvements from month-to-month in these turnovers at the different steps?
We also wanted the director to understand what the turnaround looked like when only factoring in “work” hours vs. all hours. This last piece allowed the team to understand that 5 days was not supposed to be 5 business days. And the possibility of having a second shift or a weekend shift could drastically improve the turnaround of these rooms.